Hello! My name is Adam Richards, and this is my side-project ‘Scarybeard Productions’. Here I will be posting my personal art and build projects that I do when I am not at my day job as a Concept artist at Amazon Games. I have been working as a concept artist in the video Game industry for over 18 years. I have worked with various major developers including: The Collective, Double Helix, Konami, Square ENIX, Capcom, and a few others. But here at Scarybeard Productions I share my personal art, which explores a wide range of mediums and products.

While in the past I have taken on commissions and requests for art, I am currently not taking on any more work at this time. Between my very busy day job, and the goals I am trying to accomplish for myself, I just don’t have the bandwidth to commit to commissions at this time.


Sept 26, 2020

Been working hard in the background on future content! The plan has been set in motion to acquire a new home, which will provide me with workshop space to start producing shadowboxes again. Most people are not aware, but my current workspace is a small apartment in Huntington beach where I live. My back porch is about 5 ft, by 10 ft, and open to the elements, so its an extremely difficult space to work within. I’ve also had my glowforge sitting in my kitchen with a vent running out a dog door for 2 years… With the new homes we are looking at, I’ll have at least a garage workshop, and possibly a backyard work shed as well. Once we get moved in, and set up to produce, I think we’ll have a LOT of product up on the website, and available at future shows.

All that said, there’s plenty to do in the lead-up to workshop and going into production. Like Shipping boxes! These took a lot longer than I had expected to design/produce but I am really happy with the final product. I got a single prototype printed, and after a few tweaks to the design, I’ll be ordering a bunch more to store and ship boxes as I finish them. Here’s a peek at the prototype!


Aug 8, 2020:
What a year it has been… I had plans, and they got seriously derailed with (waves vaguely at the world) all of ‘this’…
So, things are settling into a new kind of horrifying normal, and time to move forward. I am currently laying the ground work to launch a Patreon, TWITCH channel, get a book printed, Fancy Shipping boxes made, all KINDS of stuff!!! So keep an eye on my Instagram, twitter, facebook, for more news on stuff as it becomes available.

Oct 20, 2019:
The SHOP is now live with products to buy! I’ll be updating on social media as new pieces become available.